VSE News
Progress report from EWA-energieUri on the implementation of the ICT minimum standard
With the entry into force of the StromVV on 1 July 2024, the legal requirements in connection with OT security are clearly defined. These will bring major changes to the security structure for electricity plants and energy service...
The electricity agreement: Central to grid stability in Switzerland
Electricity knows no national borders and always seeks the path of least resistance. Switzerland is integrated into the European electricity grid with 41 cross-border lines. Physically, it is therefore in constant exchange of...
Electricity agreement with the EU: smart implementation is key
While negotiations on the electricity agreement with the EU are still in full swing, consideration is already being given to implementing the obligations arising from the agreement into national law. It is not only necessary to...
Alpine solar systems in Switzerland: Acceptance as the key to success
Alpine solar plants offer great potential to make a significant contribution to closing the winter electricity gap. However, many projects fail due to a lack of public acceptance. A current study analyses the most important...
Optimal smart home: requirements, dependencies and future prospects
The networking and automation of household appliances and energy systems enable more efficient use of resources. Smart meters, energy management systems (EMS) and dynamic price signals play a central role in this. But what...
Reconciling the expansion of renewable energies and biodiversity
Climate change is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity. To protect the climate and biodiversity, Alpiq, Switzerland's second-largest energy producer, generates electricity from renewable energy sources and is aiming for CO2...
BelpmoosSolar: interplay of sustainable energy generation and biodiversity
BelpmoosSolar is the largest ground-mounted photovoltaic plant in Switzerland. The partners involved in this project are pursuing a holistic approach in which biodiversity is an integral part of the planning and will also play a...
Combating grid bottlenecks: How flexibility in buildings stabilises the system
Bottlenecks in the distribution grids are increasing. This poses problems for grid operators. Instead of expanding their grids exclusively, they can utilise the flexibility in buildings. SmartGridready provides a solution for this...
Reservoirs – indispensable for flood protection
The recent severe flooding in Valais, along the Rhone and its tributaries, has reignited the debate on measures to improve flood protection. The reservoirs of the large hydropower plants already play an important role in their...